Saturday, December 15, 2018

 New method to treat heart arrhythmia's in dogs

A new treatment has occurred for dogs with a rare, but life-threatening, arrhythmia caused by atrioventricular accessory pathways.

The minimally invasive technique, which uses radio frequencies, is modified from a human cardiology procedure and has a more than 95 percent success rate in treating.

Accessory atrioventricular pathways are one of the more common causes of rapid heart rhythms in young dogs and we were pleased to prove they are curable with radiofrequency

RFCA uses radiofrequencies to destroy those rogue circuits and allow the heart's normal function to resume

APs are abnormal electrical circuits in the heart that can become activated and overcome the heart's normal current pathways, severely impairing its ability to pump

In this study, the team used RFCA to treat 89 dogs with AP-related arrhythmia. Each dog was monitored with telemetry for at least 16 hours after the procedure and before they were discharged.

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